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🇸🇦 Company formation in Saudi Arabia
Easy, fast and step-by-step company set up with a money-back guarantee. We are better than our competitors.
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Years of experience

With more than five years of experience, we have been established as the go-to service for company set up in Saudi Arabia.

We care about your business

Our clients’ satisfaction is our number one priority. We go above and beyond to make sure the services we offer you are affordable, effective and timely.

Based in Saudi Arabia

We work within the Saudi legal system and have unique specializations with Saudi government entities.

We are a specialized Saudi law firm offering legal services and advice to thousands of clients across the MENA region.

Where do we work?
Reliance International has set up partner offices across the Gulf region, so we are never too far away from you!
What services do we offer?
â—Ź Company set up in Saudi Arabia with a quick, efficient and affordable service.
â—Ź Auditing services for all types of businesses.
We have set up hundreds of companies in Saudi Arabia and have saved business owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your business is in safe hands!
Start your business in the ksa